This blog presents several sources to develop your sense of color and harmony. It is adapted from the French blog
Except written explicitly, I am the author of all the pictures, figures and drawings.
Who is behind this blog? Have a look at my biography!
Color challenge
I launched into a “color challenge”: to propose and illustrate 21 exercises to develop a sense of color and harmony through practice. No pre-requisite if you take up this challenge. Whether you are a beginner, an amateur, or maybe even a professional, you will hopefully find an interest in these exercises.
Color education
This is an open tribune to various color experts to present themselves and what they consider as most important while teaching colors. Depending on their public, their objectives, their working context, etc., their method vary.
She loves color
In the category “She loves color”, a series of portraits of women loving color; they use it in their profession, they wear it, they study it or teach it, …. no matter: color is part of their life! Through interviews and photos, I try to identify their world and bring their point of view on color.
I love color too! As a child, I used to classify the colored pencils of my older sister, already a talented artist. At 12, I was putting colored silk papers on my desk lamp; I admired and watched my environment so enlightened. Since then, I have been searching for the pleasure of the eyes and the mind in the visual arts and sciences. Here and there, I share with you this research.
And what about men? No sectarianism! They also love color. However, I did not dedicate a special category for them: they are present everywhere except in the category “She loves color”. For example, you might discover them under the category “Get inspired”.
Get inspired
Through imaginary dialogues, reports of exhibitions, comments on conferences, focus on some artists, make discoveries and get inspired.
Learning to see
Seeing can be learned! In the category “Learning to see”, I propose analyses of selected graphic works.
I read for you
There are many books about color, but they rarely agree! I propose abstracts and a review in the category “I read for you”; you will have clues about the need for further reading. These books might be in French or in English.
Your opinion matters
You who love color, let yourself be inspired by this blog! Feel free to give me a feedback on these articles. Send me the topics and questions related to color that interest you.